Couple's Getaway Planner


The Parachute Project™ Couple's Getaway Planner is a step by step  guide that will walk you through 3 simple steps to planning a relaxing and restorative retreat that will nurture your well-being and the relationship you share with your partner.  

With over 20 pages of full-color resources, this PDF download will be delivered right to your inbox. From there, you will be able to download the file to your device and print the planner over and over, as many times as needed.

Resources include:

  • Step by Step Planning Guides
  • Budget/Savings Planners
  • Packing List
  • Itinerary Planner
  • Meal Planner
  • Child/Pet Care Planners

Special Discount Offer $9.99 

regular price $19.99


What People Are Saying:

For years, my husband and I resisted taking time away, just the 2 of us. Our son's care was really demanding and we just felt like it was too much to ask someone to fill our shoes for a whole weekend. But, Carly convinced me that our marriage was not something we could afford to neglect forever. It is too important, for us and our kids. Still, I didn't know how to get over my reservations. The Couple's Planner was just the thing to give me direction and to help me see that a getaway with my husband was possible!


$9.99 USD

The Parachute Project™ Caregiver Planner!

100 pages of "done for you" organizational resources that will support you in your caregiving role. Finally, take control of record keeping and never loose track of important information again. Eliminate the stress and anxiety that comes from trying to keep up with it all!

This planner is a full color digital, download which can be printed on demand or conveniently stored as a workable digital copy on your favorite portable device.

Resources include: Appointments, Contacts, Trackers, Instructions, Family History, and so much more! Designed to be flexible and easily personalized to any circumstance, this one time purchase will continue to serve your caregiving needs for many years to come! Includes access to future additions and updates at no additional cost.
