5 Quick Tips for Spiritual Self-Care

self-care tips spiritual self-care
A woman Praying on a beach with her hands folded over a bible.


As a parent caregiver, it is natural to go into survival mode whenever something threatens my family's security. It is my job to solve the problem and make a plan. I feel a heavy responsibility to make things right. 

In truth, it is not my job to make everything turn out ok. I certainly have a role to play but I overestimate the limits of my power. My overwhelm comes from forgetting who does have the power and in who's hands my future truly lies. 

So many times, I have allowed myself to get caught up in the noise. I have let the weight of the world sit on my shoulders, all while wishing I had some place to set it down.

I forget that my greatest source of rest and refuge is by my side, in every circumstance. No illness, economic strife or social unrest can separate me from his love. Why is this so easy to forget?

So often, when I am consumed with my struggles, I feel like I have to carry the weight all alone. I focus on the number of things I need to do and the time and effort it takes to get it all done. I forget that God is always there to help me carry my burdens and, if I make time for him in my busy days, I will find comfort, strength and hope in him.


READ MORE: 10 Paracords of Self-Care



Under The Parachute Project™ there are five strands in the Spiritual Paracord, they are:


Personal Practice ~ Family Practice ~ Place of Worship ~ Fellowship ~ Your Calling


Below, are listed 5 quick tips for Spiritual self-care, which will nurture your overall well-being:


Quick Self- Care Tip #1  - Invite Him In

There is a famous painting by Warner Sallman, which depicts Jesus standing outside a door, with no handle. This door is the entrance to a sinner’s heart and can only be opened from the inside. When the door opens and He is invited in, Jesus enters. Through faith, God lives in our heart always. He does not leave and does not need to be re-invited. However, beginning each day by inviting God into our heart, can be a powerful reminder that Jesus is always with us and walking beside us, throughout the day.


Quick Self-Care Tip #2 - Pray 

Prayer does not have to include folded hands, kneeling or eloquent words. Just a simple phrase, said with sincerity and faith will be heard, and answered, by God. If you are finding it difficult to find time to pray, it can be beneficial to practice one short prayer which you can easily recall and recite, whenever you feel yourself feeling overwhelmed.  This is especially helpful if you are just beginning to learn how to make prayer a natural part of your day.  


“Help me to remember that you are in control.”

“You are my refuge and strength”

“Please calm my anxious heart and mind”


Quick Self-Care Tip #3 - Listen to Music 

Music has such powerful benefits for our well-being. There are so many wonderful artists creating spiritual music these days, in all kinds of genres for just about every taste. Play spiritual music in the background of your days, to be reminded of the hope, forgiveness and salvation that is found through faith. 

Recommended: In Christ Alone by Lauren Daigle


Quick Self-Care Tip #4 - Attend an Online Worship Service or Listen to a Podcast

We are blessed to have technology keeping us connected to our Place of Worship. We can worship in real time or we can listen and watch at our convenience, as often as needed. Having easy access to spiritual sermons and podcasts allows us to find encouragement in God’s word, whenever we are feeling discouraged.

Recommended: 4:13 Podcast with Jennifer Rothschild – Can I Be Ready for Any Crisis Big or Small?


Quick Self-Care Tips #5 - Start a Prayer Group

There are a lot of people struggling right now and they could all use some extra prayers. Stay connected to your spiritual community by starting a virtual prayer group. Invite others to join and to contribute their prayer requests. Be encouraged that others are storming the gates of heaven, on your behalf, and find connection and community by praying for others. 

Just a few minutes a day, devoted to spiritual self-care, can help us to feel God’s presence in our daily lives.  By taking small action to nurture our faith, we can find the strength and hope, we need, to carry the weight of our circumstances with confidence.

If the challenges you face feel too big for you to handle or to carry alone, it is because they are. Leave them to the one who has the power to make all things work for the good of those who love him.

And we know in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

                                                                       Romans 8:28 NIV



Self-care Action Discussed in this Post:

Choose just one of the spiritual self-care actions suggested above, to find time for faith, when you don’t feel like you have any to spare. Work on spending just a few minutes a day to put this action into practice and nurture your faith.




Read Next: 5 Quick Tips for Social Self-Care

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